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-40℃冷阱(氟冷阱) -40℃ Cold Trap (Fluorine Cold Trap) 用 途 Applications 该产品广泛用于真空镀膜行业,安装于油扩散泵口,防止油扩散泵返油。 This product is widely used in the industry of vacuum coating. It is installed at the oil diffusion pump inlet to prevent oil return of the oil diffusion pump. 优点 Advantages 在油扩散泵口,一般都安装了冷却水循环塔,可往往到了炎热的夏季,冷却水并不冷,不能起到防返油的作用,而-40℃冷阱(氟冷阱)不受外界环境温度的影响,在炎热的夏季,仍能稳定运行制冷达到-35℃~-40℃,很好地防止了油扩散泵的返油,若不安装-40℃冷阱(氟冷阱),油扩散泵中的油蒸气就跑到镀膜腔内,一方面降低了真空系统抽气速度,另一方面油蒸气也是镀件的污染源,所以-40℃冷阱(氟冷阱)是您防返油的上好 选择。 A cooling water circulating tower is commonly installed at the oil diffusion pump inlet; however, in hot summer, the cooling water is often not cool, so the function of preventing oil return cannot be realized. In contrast, the -40℃ cold trap (fluorine cold trap) will not be affected by the outer ambient temperature; in hot summer, it still can stably carry out refrigeration in the temperature range of -35℃~-40℃, which well prevents oil return of the oil diffusion pump. If the -40℃ cold trap (fluorine cold trap) is not installed, the oil vapor in the oil diffusion pump will flow to the coating chamber, which reduces the evacuation rate of the vacuum system; besides, oil vapor can also contaminate the coated part. Therefore, the -40℃ cold trap (fluorine cold trap) is a good choice for preventing oil return. 特点 Features 1. 冷却方式为风冷; 2. 操作简单; 3. 安装简便,与空调的安装类似,用制冷连接管将油扩散泵上的盘管与本机进、出口 连接,试压不漏后,从检修阀给盘管与连接管抽真空,然后关闭检修阀,给设备通    电,开机就可以运行。 1. Cooling method: air cooling; 2. The operation is simple; 3. The installation is simple, similar to installation of an air conditioner: use the refrigeration connecting pipe to connect the coil on the oil diffusion pump with the inlet and outlet of this unit; test the pressure and make sure there is no leakage; vacuumize the coil and the connecting pipe from the service valve; then close the service valve, and energize the device to start operation.